Divinity has an amazing set of header layouts & styles so you can create a unique experience for your users. All the styles can be normal or full-width and menu drop-downs can be activated with click or hover events. On total more than 25 header styles can be created!
Basic Menu: Fully customisable Basic menu layout with drop-downs. Logo can be aligned on either left, right or center.
Float Menu: A unique style of menu that floats above the content. The logo can be aligned in any direction.
Float & centered logo : Float menu style with logo aligned in the center.
Float & right logo : Float menu style with logo aligned at the right.
Logo on top: With that style the logo is positioned above the menu, leaving more space for your menu links
Logo on top & left: Same style but the logo is positioned left
Logo on top & right: Same style but the logo is positioned Right
Transparent menu: Transparent menu to create stunning page designs. Transparent menu can be applied to any of the styles & layouts as the above menu examples.